From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

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Financial well-being

Financial well-being


- Money is an essential part of our lives because it makes us feel safe. If your employees struggle with their financial means, their mind will always be absorbed with all the things they're unable to do because of it. You might say that this really isn't your responsibility as an employer, but the reality is, your company probably provides the main source of income for your employees. So providing different channels of financial support could possibly mean providing your employees with peace of mind. Take a single parent for example. If their income only just covers their monthly bills, that person will not be thinking about meeting their annual objectives or the monthly report they have to finish for you. All they will think about is payday. So what can you do as an employer to support financial wellbeing without compromising the existence of your company. The first thing you can do is look at your salaries. For example,…
