From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

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Good work practices

Good work practices


- Good work practices are at the heart of employee well-being, because malpractices are the main source of stress, turnover, and absenteeism. Providing a workplace that embraces best practice in all aspects will attract, engage, and retain the most talented employees. There are six factors you need to think about when it comes to good work practices. The work environment includes both physical and psychological factors, such as your work desk and the tools needed to do your job as well as having an inclusive and welcoming organizational culture. I worked with a small charity, for example, that was based on a construction site. They quickly made a case to raise the budget and relocate the office to a more physically healthy space where employees actually felt safe. Another good working practice is around good line management. Having good people management policies and processes in place will enable managers to support…
