From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

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Healthy lifestyle at work

Healthy lifestyle at work


- Lifestyle choices are very personal choices, such as eating and drinking habits, smoking and physical exercise. A healthier lifestyle leads to more energy, more productivity and less sickness absence. Whether or not your employees make healthy choices can and should be influenced in the workplace because it contributes to an employee's overall wellbeing. I have not worked in a single office in the past 10 years that did not have a chocolate counter or a sugar table full of cakes and muffins. But rarely have I seen fruit baskets, treadmills, or free nicotine patches. The reason why people choose unhealthy habits over healthy ones is not only because it's a coping mechanism for stress, but also because these choices are often more accessible. Making healthy lifestyle choices is a conscious decision. We have to think about it, and often it involves some kind of effort. So for your company to be able to influence your employees…
