From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

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Physical and psychological health

Physical and psychological health


- Health is about a person's psychological or physical condition. Physical health is about illnesses and injury, such as having the flu or a broken wrist. Psychological health is about mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or feeling emotionally distressed. Mental health has overtaken physical health as the main cause of sickness absence in the UK, with a total of over 70 million work days lost per year. Your employees spend at least 40 hours a week at work, so it's your responsibility to ensure that your work environment doesn't expose them to any harm, physical or psychological. So what can you do to ensure your employees are healthy? The first thing you need to do is scan your work environment for any physical or psychological hazards and risks. You can do a simple risk assessment to identify potential hazards and evaluate the possible risks that may cause injury or illness. You'll find it easy to do this…
