From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

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Setting well-being objectives

Setting well-being objectives


- In the UK only one in four companies have a well-being program in place. While well-being is largely accepted as having significant benefits for employees, it appears that companies still struggle to dedicate resources to this. Demonstrating what your well-being program can achieve in a tangible and quantifiable manner will get you buy-in from your senior leadership. The SMART model can help you translate your well-being definition into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based objectives. Let's use an example for this one. If your work environment is very stressful, with employees working long hours, you may want to develop an objective around reducing stress. Your objective could be our well-being program will reduce stress at work. It's a good objective, but is it SMART? Let's do the the test. Is it specific, yes. Is it measurable, not really. It is achievable, yes. Is it relevant…
