From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

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Social well-being

Social well-being


- Social well-being is about creating an employee voice and positive relationships at work. We live in a world where people want to be authentic, creative, have an impact on their environment, and they want to be heard and respected. Sounds like common sense, but not every organizational setup enables your employees to have a voice and be the best version of themselves. For example, in the very hierarchical organization structure, there's a good chance that decisions are made at the very top with no involvement with the people affected by that decision. If you don't listen to your employees, you may miss out on a lot of talent that could drive your company to success. For example, innovations such as Sony PlayStation and Gmail came from employees who experienced a high level of social well-being in their companies. There are four factors that drive social well-being. The first is an enabling management style. Ask your leaders…
