From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

The CIPD well-being domains


- Well-being has become an important agenda item for managers and HR professionals. More and more studies show that employee well-being is correlated with employee engagement and productivity, and I've seen this firsthand. I firmly believe well-being should be an essential part of every company strategy. Hi, my name is Andrea Vogel. I'm a head of international HR, a charter fellow of the CIPD, and I have worked with a number of organizations internationally to create better workplaces. In this course, I'll share how to create a holistic well-being program by looking at the different areas impacting on employee well-being. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in the UK, also known as the CIPD, have identified seven areas of well-being. These are health, social well-being, financial well-being, good lifestyle choices, values and principles, good work, and personal growth. We'll look at those individually, and explore the different things you can do in your company to address them. So if you want to create a holistic well-being program that improves your employee engagement and productivity, join me on this course.
