From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

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Tips to make your well-being programme a success

Tips to make your well-being programme a success


- While employee wellbeing is associated with higher levels of employee engagement and productivity, many companies still don't have a holistic wellbeing program. So ensuring your wellbeing strategies have a positive effect on your company is essential to get buy in from your leadership. Here are my top five tips to make your wellbeing program a success. Number one, know why you create a wellbeing program. Your leaders and employees will get more engaged in the wellbeing program when you have communicated a clear purpose. Make a link between your wellbeing initiatives and your desired outcomes. My second tip is, see the bigger picture. A wellbeing program is a longterm investment. While you want to get some quick wins, you need to avoid deflecting from the real issues in the workplace. Take one step at a time and create a project plan to track all the different wellbeing initiatives you want to put in place. Number…
