From the course: Establishing a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

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Values and principles

Values and principles


- Values and principles are inherent drivers of individual and collective behavior. In an organization, just like in any other group, people are more engaged and motivated when they have shared values and principles that guide their behavior. This area of well-being is driven by three factors. The first one is based on value-driven leadership. Your employees will be more engaged in their work when they see their leaders live up to the shared values and set principles. Your leaders need to communicate a clear vision and set realistic objectives that align with your values to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal. It's crucial for your employees' well-being that your leaders walk the talk, as it creates trust and sets an expectation of behavior for others in the company. What you can do to increase value-driven leadership is to implement mechanisms of holding people to account. I've…
