From the course: Ethical Hacking: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

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Solution: The cyber kill chain

Solution: The cyber kill chain


- [Narrator] Okay, now let's check our work. The first question was what is the cyber kill chain? And list the main steps. The cyber kill chain outlines the sequence of steps taken from footprinting through the attack stage. The cyber kill chain generally goes through the following. Reconnaissance, weaponization, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and control, and actions on objectives. Next, you are to provide an expanded definition of an advanced persistent threat. An advanced persistent threat is when a malicious actor gains access to a network and remains undetected for weeks, months, or even years. And the expanded definition is as follows. Advanced means it's targeted, coordinated and well-thought out with actions that are purposeful. Persistent means the activity related to the attack means they're in your system month after month, year after year. And threat is anything that has a motive, means…
