From the course: Excel for Sales Professionals

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Add a map chart

Add a map chart


- [Voiceover] Picking back up, with our somewhat complete dashboard, you notice that there's some unused white space, at the top of the dashboard that's created by our timeline and our slicer. There's not much we can do about it, but I'm not gonna worry about it, because we're going to place a map chart over it. A map chart, somewhat like it sounds, has the ability to map data, on a map. And in this case, we're gonna go back to our 3-year's sales data and use Ctrl + right arrow. We come to address, city, and state. A map chart is somewhat discrete, in that it's not going to plot down to a city level, but it will do state, zip codes, things like that. It's more of an overview of where trends are, in an area, as opposed to actually pinpointing certain sales opportunities. So, I'm gonna come in here and repeat my sales column. Then I'm using a very simple formula, that's just equals, and an arrow left, and when I get to sales, press enter, and you'll see that the table has automatically…
