From the course: Exploring Photography: Finding the Perfect Portrait Lens

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All right. I have one more question to ask which is, how can we take all of the content we've covered in this course and apply it and use it in order to capture better portraits? Well, the answer of that question, I have two simple ideas. First and foremost, photograph people that are important to you. Second, don't try to do it all at once. Rather take one topic or technique or focal length and really stick to your guns and once you have a handle on that, move to the next. Now, as you progress and capture some images, if you want to share those with me or if you have ideas for other courses that you'd like to see. Like how to compose a perfect portrait or photographing your kids or anything else. You can always contact me via my website which is Well, I know that your time is valuable and I'm grateful that you chose to spend it with me. Thank you. Happy shooting and let's keep in touch.
