From the course: Exploring Photography: Finding the Perfect Portrait Lens

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Shallow Depth of Field in Low Light

Shallow Depth of Field in Low Light


Sometimes you'll need to shoot with a low F stop number or a shallow depth of field just out of necessity. And that's the case with a situation like this. Here we're capturing some portraits of Kelly and in the studio we have a lot of windows but it's actually pretty dark in here. And in lower light situations you have a few options. One of the first things that I like to do is to take a look at the scene. If you feel like it's dark I like to increase my ISO, here I'll crank it up just a little but, maybe to ISO 400. When you increase your ISO though sometimes what can happen is you can, you can unwanted noise to the frame. So in this case I'm going to leave that right around there. I need to start to compose the frame. I'll be working with a 35 millimeter focal length lens. And I'll start off thinking about the F stop, right now it's at five. When I look through the shutter and I press the button half way down. I realize that my shutter speed will be too slow. In other words, if I…
