From the course: Exploring Photography: Finding the Perfect Portrait Lens

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Shallow Depth of Field: Remove Distractions

Shallow Depth of Field: Remove Distractions


Throughout this course we've been pursuing this question, what is the perfect portrait lens? We've talked about how that question necessitates another. Well, what type of portrait do you want to make? Well here, on this location, we'll capture a few portraits of Kelly and of course we could capture portraits which shows this environment, this broken down house. But what I want to do here is rather than showing all of that I also want to create a portrait which is really simple and clean. I like the light in this setting, and I've set up my camera here except there's a dumpster in the background. So in this case out of necessity what I need to do is to shoot with a shallow depth of field. Now I've invited a friend, Lawrence, to bring in a little bit of fill light in this photograph. So Lawrence is going to come in just to bounce some light back to our subject and what we're going to do is capture a few images. Now I'm going to start off capturing a photograph at F/16. This will show a…
