From the course: Exploring Photography: Finding the Perfect Portrait Lens

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Shooting with a normal focal length

Shooting with a normal focal length


In a previous movie, we talked about working with a wide angle lens. Well, in this movie, we're going to talk about working with a 50 millimeter focal length lens. It's more of a natural perspective, kind of like that perspective the way that your eye sees the world. Again, we have Belen coming in so we can capture some photographs. Belen, thanks again. And here what we're going to do is look at how we can use this lens and find its sweet spot. You know there are some people say, this isn't a portrait lens and that's true for certain types of portrait. For example, if I want to create a head shot, what I would need to do with this lens is change my working distance and get really close. Let me get close here and we'll capture this photograph. And in this case, we're capturing a photography really close so that the face is filling the entire frame. And if we get close like this, we'll see some distortion. Now, to the untrained eye, the distortion won't be that noticeable. But if you…
