From the course: Exploring Photography: Finding the Perfect Portrait Lens

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What's your favorite lens?

What's your favorite lens?


One of my favorite questions to ask my fellow photographers is, what is your favorite portrait lens? Often you'll get some really colorful and interesting responses. And here in this movie, I want to talk about that idea of what lenses other photographers like to use. Let's start off with Annie Leibovitz. Annie Levitz is perhaps the most famous portrait photographer of our time. One of the focal lengths that she likes to use all the time is the 24 to 70. Because she likes to create portraits, so it's more of an environmental look. And so she uses this lens in order to do that. Now often photographers will refer to 24 to 70 as a workhorse, because it gets the job done. You can shoot wide but not too wide, and you can also get up close to create really good looking portraits as well. I talked to another friend who's a wedding photographer, and he said he could not live without his 70 to 200 millimeter lens. This, for him, was his treasured and favorite lens. And there's a lot of…
