From the course: External Communication Skills for Leaders

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Creating compelling content

Creating compelling content


- No one wants to be an oversharer, but if you don't share something, no one will know you're there. This is the dilemma with social media. Oftentimes, leaders don't know what to share or how much. A good rule of thumb is this: if you'd be proud to reread it again in five years, then post it. This is a good way to do a quick gut check. If you're active on social media, then the media will find you, I promise. For instance, when I was a network news producer, I'd often use LinkedIn to find out what experts were publishing and talking about for story ideas. I covered health news, but I'm not a doctor so I needed to tap into my network of experts to see what was happening in the healthcare world and that is one of the places that I found it. For my own work as a media trainer, I posted a blog about teleprompters on Twitter once, and guess what? A reporter for CBS News saw it and reached out about a story that he was…
