From the course: Finance Foundations: Income Taxes

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Concluding income tax advice

Concluding income tax advice


- Okay we've been discussing income taxes, lots of discussion about income taxes. Let me give you some final advice. In all countries, most people can calculate and report their own income taxes. their own income taxes. Take a little time to study the system. If you maintain good records, you can do it, I know this for a fact. In the 1990s, I lived in Hong Kong. Every year I had to fill out a four page tax form, half of it was in Chinese, but because I took a little time and kept adequate records, and kept adequate records, Iwas able to fill out that form. I was able to fill out that form. Hey, if I can do a tax form in Chinese, then you can do your own tax form. If you have a small business, it's my experience that it may make sense for you to spend a little money hiring a small business tax advisor hiring a small business tax advisor to help you structure your business in the most in the most tax effective way tax effective way and to help you identify and to help you identify…
