From the course: Finance Foundations: Income Taxes

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Corporate income tax issues

Corporate income tax issues


- Two interesting corporate income tax issues are first corporate income is double taxed, first, corporate income is double taxed, and second interest is deductible as a business expense for a corporation. Let's discuss each one of these issues. So, corporate income is subject to double taxation. Let me illustrate with a numerical example. Miles Company, a corporation, has income before any income taxes of 10 million dollars. In this simple example, the income tax rate is 40% on all income. on all income. Miles Company, the corporation, has to pay income tax at the corporate level. $10 million times the 40% tax rate means 10 million dollars times the 40% tax rate, means that the corporate income tax that the corporateincome tax is $4 million. is four million dollars. That corporate income tax That corporate income tax is given is given to the Government Taxing Authority, to the government taxing authority, leaving six million dollars leaving $6 million thatbelongs to the shareholders…
