From the course: Finance Foundations: Income Taxes

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Della and Dee Stice doing people's taxes

Della and Dee Stice doing people's taxes

From the course: Finance Foundations: Income Taxes

Della and Dee Stice doing people's taxes


- Your mother and father used to do income taxes income taxes for a lot of people. for a lot of people. - Yeah, but they did, but how did you know that? - Well, turns out they were my mother and father as well. - Okay, right. - Right, every yearduring income tax season, Every year during income tax season, we held the in-process income tax returns for a couple of dozen friends of mom and dad stacked, remember, that cabinet in the corner of the kitchen. - Yeah, now dad was the technical expert. He knew the detailed tax rules and he liked to show off and he liked to show off anddo the arithmetic in his head. and do the arithmetic in his head. - Now, mom always checked him with an adding machine. - Mom always checked himwith an adding machine. She was the organizer of the whole thing. She kept the documents sorted, carefully filled in the forms with the final numbers and made sure that everything got done on time. - Now they were a good team. They did returns for a wide variety of…
