From the course: Google Sheets Essential Training

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Creating charts and graphs

Creating charts and graphs - Sheets Tutorial

From the course: Google Sheets Essential Training

Creating charts and graphs


- [Instructor] Once you've entered data into your spreadsheet, it's a quick process to turn that data into a chart or graph that you can display on your spreadsheet. Let's walk through the process of inserting a chart or graph into your Google Sheet based on data you've entered. I'll show you how with this solar panel chart spreadsheet. Before you can create a graph or chart, you'll need to enter the data that will be used for your chart in at least a couple rows and columns. It will also help to label the data in your spreadsheet with column and or row headers before you create your chart. On this solar panel chart sheet, I have two columns, one labeled solar panel size square feet and one labeled watts per panel. I'd like to make a bar graph with each of these labels on one axis. It helps that I've already created the labels as column headers because I can choose to use these headers as labels in my chart. Here's how I create a chart from this data. From the sheet, select the cells…
