From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography

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Establishing the relationship between subject and background

Establishing the relationship between subject and background

From the course: Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography

Establishing the relationship between subject and background


- Abba, we're about to bring our model back on set, and it's obviously important to think about what we're going to be keying. A lot of folks really put this off until afterwards, but I think the shoot goes so much better when you think about the environment. - Absolutely, and I think that's what usually makes it work. It's knowing where you're going to put the talent because that way you can choose, you know, what's the angle, is it a wide angle, is it a close up? You know, perspective is important. And just also knowing where the light is coming from. Those are all key factors in making the composite work. - Now, I like this particular image. I don't know if this is the one we're going to use in the final, but it's a good reference shot. And what I notice is that we've got nice soft light with the clouds. So, I think your light on set doesn't need to be too harsh or directional here, right? - Absolutely, as a matter…
