From the course: Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site

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Content writing

Content writing


- [Instructor] There are many different types of content to create to feed the search engines and special ways to optimize that content effectively for e-commerce websites. It is important that you consider creating multiple different types of content to help you rank your product pages in Google, but also to link bait and build authority in the search engines. The content on your pages will determine what key words you will show up for. Let's have a look at the different types of content that you might consider creating and the impact that it might have on your website. I firstly wanted to speak about thin content pages and thin content websites. Thin content, essentially, is when there's not a lot of content on that particular page or on the website overall. Thin contents don't tend to perform very well in search engines and there's only very few examples of when thin content pages might be applicable. A content page…
