From the course: Inspirational Leadership Skills: Practical Motivational Leadership

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Types of communication and meetings

Types of communication and meetings


- The inspirational leader is a great communicator. Well, actually, no, they've just got to be a good communicator. In fact, no, not even that. The inspirational leader just has to put time and effort into communicating. And this is great news for you because if you don't feel you're a natural communicator, and quite a few people aren't natural communicators, introvert people struggle with communication, I think. But the great thing is all you've got to do is put some time and effort into communicating. One of the great generals in history said, "He who communicates, lead." And of course, it should be he or she now. The person who communicates leads. And communication is really, really important, because if you don't communicate with people, they won't feel that you are their leader, so we have to do it. And what we're looking for really, is quantity and quality. So you have to do plenty of it and you have to make sure…
