From the course: Inspirational Leadership Skills: Practical Motivational Leadership

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What if they fail?

What if they fail?


- The inspirational leader gives people's support when they fail. This is an easy thing that you can do, and it sends a fantastic signal to people. So, the first thing is, give people feedback on their performance whether it's good or bad. Everyone wants to know how am I doing, and saying nothing is scary because if you don't hear anything back from your boss, you think, "Well, how am I doing, is my boss unhappy? I don't know." So, if somebody is good, you must tell them, and they're doing badly, you must tell them, but in a positive way. If somebody screws up, what do you say to them? And I think the best thing to say to them is actually a question. And it's to say, "Do you know what you'll do differently next time?" I remember when my son Miles was little, he was leaning on the door frame, and somebody shut the door, or the wind blew it shut, or something, and his fingers got squashed in the doorframe.…
