From the course: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Follow the data

From the course: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Follow the data


- In the old movie, "All the President's Men," the top informant of the Nixon scandal met in a parking lot and said, "Follow the money." Only by following the money could the reporter find the truth. Like the reporter, machine learning algorithms must follow the data to get to the truth, but that's easier said than done. In fact, one of the biggest challenges in machine learning is balancing the bias and the variance. Bias is the gap between the predicted value and the actual outcome. Let's say that you were playing dice and predicted that you would roll five, three times, but you rolled four, three times. Then your prediction would have a high bias. You were off by one each time. Variance is when the predicted values are scattered all over the place. So if you were playing dice and you predicted that you would roll five, three times, but you actually rolled two, four and six, then you'd be off by different amounts. Then your data would be too spread out. Now, it might seem strange to make such a big deal about how the system was wrong, but when you're working with machine learning algorithms, these are two separate challenges, so the system needs to fix it in different ways. Think about the game of darts. The center of the dart board is the machine's best prediction. That means that the little red bullseye in the middle is the right prediction. The machine could throw three darts, and each one of them would be consistently wrong. They'd all land in the upper-right-hand corner just above the red bullseye. This is called having a high bias and low variance. The darts are grouped together closely, but all of them are too far to the right. The dataset would have a high bias. That means to make a better prediction the machine would just have to pull the group of darts down and to the left. Now imagine a different challenge. The machine throws the darts at the dart board and they're all over the place. That means that the data has a wide spread, so this data would have a high variance. To make a better prediction, the machine would want to tighten up the darts closest to the bullseye. Ideally, you want the predictions to have a low bias and a low variance. That means that all the darts are in the bullseye. But in most cases, the machine is going to have to fix either a high bias or a high variance. In machine learning, this is such a common problem that it's referred to as the bias-variance trade off. Like any trade off, it means that if the system tries to balance the impact of one, it has to look at the impact on the other. So if the machine decreases the variance spread, it will also have to increase the bias. If the machine increases the bias, it increases the variance spread. That's why the machine needs to follow the data. The machine will turn each one of these knobs to find the best trade off between bias and variance. That way, it can zero in on the best predictions.
