From the course: Introduction to Employee Relations

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Collaboration and negotiation

Collaboration and negotiation

- Any workplace that has some form of scale will benefit from collaborative approaches to decisions. When there's just 30 of you, it's easier to come together and make decisions. When it's 3,030 of you, it's much trickier. Collaboration has become something of a buzz word in the world of work. Many companies recognize that motivated employees are vital in making things, doing things and serving their reason for being customers. Employees are also helping shape future successes and overcoming obstacles in the workplace to influence company decisions. We call this negotiation. Formalized worker representation is one form of collaboration and negotiation, which many of us would recognize. Unions or worker councils step into controversial, complex and challenging situations like unfair conditions of work for people with long hours and imposed shifts. So they act on behalf of their members to create something fairer for all…
