From the course: Introduction to Employee Relations

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Conduct and discipline protocols

Conduct and discipline protocols

- In many elements of organizational life, we will come across behaviors, actions and incidents where there appears to be a breach. We may see violations of company codes, ethics, contractual obligations, policies or processes. Something like an employee falsifying expenses, receiving gifts from clients or behaving rudely towards others. So how do we handle those types of violations? How does an HR professional deal with inappropriate conduct and discipline? There is normally a chain of events that leads HR to become involved. This is normally some form of report or complaint with evidence. HR then considers the report and evidence and takes action depending on the situation. For example, if there's a dangerous situation, like physical assault on a colleague, HR immediately acts to create safety for all involved. Or if there is a need to suspend someone whilst awaiting an investigation, that is acted upon. It could be a…
