From the course: Introduction to Employee Relations

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Employee voice and influence

Employee voice and influence

- How can HR practically operate where people bring their voice and influence to a world with open and viral social media posts to tackle a provocative issue in the workplace? The likelihood of people taking matters into their own hands is evident in the social media world, with hashtag-led campaigns like #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter and more. People form into campaigning groups or even as a courageous individual to take on establishments, governments and senior figures. However unlikely this might seem in the workplace, people have more options than formal representation and can form into pressure groups or even make an individual stand for something they passionately believe in. Traditionally, HR is occupied and the negotiation starts with formal representation, but it's now being thrust into this arena of random groups and individual stances on issues largely as a result of open social technology platforms, and the…
