From the course: Introduction to Employee Relations

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Engagement and formal representation

Engagement and formal representation

From the course: Introduction to Employee Relations

Engagement and formal representation

- We know it's important to have engaged employees. So what happens when employees are truly engaged? Well the truth is engagement can drive influence and change that benefits both employer and employee. With a workplace in the hundreds or larger in the thousands it is often hard to know what people think about their current job and what might make a difference to the way people apply themselves to their work. This we call employee engagement. Employee engagement surveys are now used in most companies and help employers understand how much people are satisfied, engaged or even frustrated by the conditions of their work. Employee engagement surveys are anonymous measured responses to a range of questions like, "How proud are you to work here? "Are you having regular performance "and review conversations with your manager? "And what could we do to improve things "so you could help the company succeed?" This gives employers key…
