From the course: Introduction to Employee Relations

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Workplace arbitration and dispute resolution

Workplace arbitration and dispute resolution

From the course: Introduction to Employee Relations

Workplace arbitration and dispute resolution

- None of us likes the idea of having to involve others to solve a workplace problem. Maybe it's a problem about missing out on a promotion or not receiving a bonus for a specific piece of work. If you're stuck in the middle between your company and a workplace conflict, or maybe you're in a position where you need to enact HR policies, you need to know about managing and handling situations that need arbitration and or dispute resolution. Acas, the United Kingdom's advisory, conciliation, and arbitration service, is an organization used for workplace disputes as an alternative to what could become costly and complicated legal proceedings. Arbitration is a legal alternative to courts or tribunals but involving an impartial professional like an independent lawyer to act as an arbitrator and decide on things like part-time workers being excluded from company development programs or people being unfairly dismissed. Arbitration is…
