From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Listen and respond to messages

Listen and respond to messages


- [Instructor] One of the major advantages of Siri, at least to me, is the ability it gives you to work with text messages without having to type or even look at your phone. You can instead ask Siri to read your incoming message, and then you'll be prompted to either reply to it, or you could have Siri read it again. If you choose to reply, you can then dictate your message to Siri and send it off. Let's take a look at this. (mobile phone dinging) All right, so I just received the text message, but let's imagine that I'm driving so I can't look at my phone. Instead, I'm going to press and hold my side button, and I'll say something along the lines of, "Read my text message." - [Siri] Clark sent a new message. Can you come into the office an hour early tomorrow? Would you like to reply? - [Instructor] Yes. - [Siri] What do you want to say? - [Instructor] No, I have a dentist appointment in the morning. - [Siri] It…
