From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Changes to playgrounds in Xcode 10

Changes to playgrounds in Xcode 10

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Changes to playgrounds in Xcode 10


- [Instructor] There's been some great changes to playgrounds in Xcode 10 that will make your code even easier to prototype than ever before. Let's take a look at some of those changes. Now notice I'm using version 10 beta 4 for this, so expect a few more changes coming by the time you see this. In Xcode 10, open a new single playground, so I'm gonna go here to get started with a playground, and I'm gonna use the single view to show you something, and we hit next, and I'm gonna go to the desktop, and I'm gonna make this my Xcode 10 playground. I'm gonna create that, and you got a playground. I'm gonna get the whole screen here, so you can see everything, and you'll notice something interesting right off the top if you've used Xcode 9 playgrounds for single view, that we are putting all of this code here into load view, not view did load. This solves an error that you can get if you put it into view did load that the self.view here is nil, and so what this is all doing is getting that…
