From the course: iOS Development Tips

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How to use the exercise files

How to use the exercise files

From the course: iOS Development Tips

How to use the exercise files


- [Instructor] If you've taken other courses, you're probably familiar with the classic downloads folder. For Tips and Tricks, we'll be using GitHub for exercise folders. You'll find the files at That will get you to the repositories. Click the Repositories tab at the top. You'll find everything here. I've labeled the download files for Tips and Tricks as Tips, followed by the video number, a small description, and then, either Begin for a begin-state file, End for a finished project and Extra for extra bonus material that might be involved with that project. For example, the download for this video is Tips_00_Exercise_Files_Begin. It's showing on the list so you can just click it. But once this list gets long, you can search for Tips in the search bar. Click at the top, and type in Tips and you'll see just the Tips. Add a video number and it will find only the ones with that video number. I'll go ahead and hit Begin now. In the screen that…
