From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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People, process, and technology

People, process, and technology


- [Instructor] No matter how much a service desk evolves and changes, there are three key foundational components that comprise a service desk. The people, the process, and the technology. These are sometimes referred to as PPT. These components must balance and work together for a service desk to run successfully. They also help to answer the how question. How do I create and manage an effective service desk? Let's start by looking at the people component. Sounds easy, right? You need people, that's a given. But what's difficult, is determining your organizational infrastructure. The people component, helps us to define how IT and the business will interact. The elements of people include: staff size, how many do I need? Optimization of staff: having the right people, at the right place, at the right time. Structure of the organization: this includes tiers or levels. Functional roles: what will people be doing? What are they responsible for? And culture: how does my staff influence…
