From the course: Job Transitions: Design Your Dream Career

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Strategically positioning yourself

Strategically positioning yourself


In his book louder than words. 2 Todd Henry tells the story of bass guitar player, Amos Heller, Amos 3 had made it big in his hometown. 4 So he decided to try and take it to the next level and try to really make it 5 big in Nashville, but try as he might to be available for any and every type of. 6 He never got booked until one day a fellow musician friend told him that 7 simply opening himself up to anything would make it challenging to recommend 8 him when opportunities emerged, turns out that friend was right. 9 Amos got way more specific about what his skills and value were 10 and started getting booked. 11 He went on to play with some of the biggest touring acts of the last 20 years. 12 And this lesson I'll teach you how to get crystal clear with your brand. 13 So you can tell people exactly what value you offer before jumping in. 14 Let me start by clarifying what a professional brand is put simply. 15 It's a statement that summarizes…
