From the course: Learning MATLAB

Introduction to the MATLAB interface - MATLAB Tutorial

From the course: Learning MATLAB

Introduction to the MATLAB interface


- [Instructor] Since you likely already have MATLAB installed, you should now be able to see the MATLAB shortcut on your desktop. Double click to open MATLAB desktop. And since MATLAB is a considerable sized software, it might take a couple of minutes to open. The desktop contains tools, such as a graphical user interface to manage files, variables and applications associated with the software. You can leave the desktop as it appears by default or you can customize the arrangement of tools to suit your needs. The desktop is organized typically in three main panels, the command window that allows you to enter commands. This is typically placed in the middle of the screen. The current folder to access your files, which is placed on the left side, the workspace where you can see your data, the ones that you have created or imported from external files. This panel is placed on the right side. To add or remove columns that are shown in the workspace, click on the small arrow at the right side and select choose columns. The top part of the desktop contains three tabs. It's the home tab, which is the one that we are going to mainly use throughout this course, the plots tab, and the apps tab. So let's go back to the home tab. In the home tab, you'll find some of the most used tools, such as new script, blank new script, new variable. And also if we go down here again, we have a list of the new tools that we can use, which after, also, we will use the open and save, save as, as well, the favorites and the layout. You can change the arrangement of the tools on your desktop using the layout tool. Click on the arrow at the bottom of the layout and look at all the options. You can keep the arrangement as it is by choosing the default option anytime you make any changes. If you choose the two columns option, the workspace will be placed in the same column with the current folder and the command window on the right side. Also, you can choose to close any of these windows. For example, let's choose to close the workspace. So if you left mouse click on the arrow at the right side of the workspace area under the dropdown menu, select close. To restore it, go back to the layout and select the default option. In the next video, we will go over a few common commands used in the command window.
