From the course: Learning MATLAB

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Verwendung der Übungsdateien

Using the exercise files - MATLAB Tutorial

From the course: Learning MATLAB

Verwendung der Übungsdateien


- [Instructor] If you like to follow along, I have provided some exercise files for you that have a .m extension. You can open these files directly by double clicking on them. And I'm going to open this file from Chapter 2. However, there is one more step to do. If we go and run this file, we will get this message that requires you to add it to the MATLAB search path, so let's click on the Add to Path. And it might not be exactly clear what this did, so I'm going to show you the set path. From the HOME tab, Set Path, and then we can see all the folders that are stored in this MATLAB search path. But also, we can see that the folder that contains exercise files for Chapter 2 also, those are added here. Now, we need to have Chapter 3 folder as well here, otherwise, the files that are under that folder cannot run. So let's add this folder, and then we go to Desktop, Exercise Files, Chapter 3. Select the folder, and then…
