From the course: Learning Metadata for Book Publishing

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eBook-specific metadata

eBook-specific metadata


- [Narrator] Most of the metadata we have talked about in this course applies to both print books and ebooks equally. However, there are some differences in how ebooks can be described, and these deserve some discussion. Note that in addition to the unique metadata fields we're about to talk about, it may be necessary for you to tweak or adjust other fields, like the book description and the citations, to refer specifically to the ebook version of your book. Those types of changes can make a big difference to a consumer who is unsure about what might be different in the ebook, or whether it has special features. When you define a product as a digital book, you have a few different options. The ProductForm element defines what kind of product you're selling. These values come from ONIX code list 150, and include EA, digital content delivered electronically, EB, digital content available both by download and by online access, EC, digital content accessed online only, and ED, digital…
