From the course: Learning Metadata for Book Publishing

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Final thoughts and where to go next

Final thoughts and where to go next


- [Instructor] I'd like to talk next about some final thoughts and give you some advice about where you can go next . The number of published books by traditional publishers between 2002 and 2013 didn't really change very much. However, the number of total books published in that period, including those for nontraditional publishers and self-published authors jumped dramatically. Most people talk about the changes that have come as a result of the growth of e-books, but technological changes in publishing have been happening for much longer than that. All of the automated metadata sending and receiving we've been talking about in this training is the result of these technological changes. Every week publishers send out hundreds of thousands of ONIX product records to trading partners all over the world. These records are opened, read, broken apart, and adjusted into retailer databases, then displayed to you when you go to a retailer website. However, while some retailers handle…
