From the course: Learning Metadata for Book Publishing

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How the publishing supply chain works

How the publishing supply chain works


- [Narrator] Now that we know what metadata is and how the ONIX for Books standard was created let's look at how the publishing supply chain works and how it uses the metadata that is created. The supply chain is the network created amongst the different companies for producing, handling, and/or distributing a specific product. In publishing, the most basic supply chain consists of the publisher and the retailer. We can expand that out to also include other players, like metadata management and dissemination companies, book distributors, book wholesalers, libraries, and metadata aggregators like Bowker. From a publisher perspective everyone else in the supply chain is commonly referred to as a trading partner. This supply chain feeds on metadata. Everyone along the path needs to get information about your books that they can use. That information needs to be correct. It needs to be up to date, and it needs to be consistent. There are three different methods by which information is…
