From the course: Learning Metadata for Book Publishing

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- [Voiceover] The Internet has changed the way consumers find and purchase books. In the past, consumers would go to a bookstore, where books have been categorized and separated into relevant sections, then ordered by author name, or more specific subject category. This classification scheme works well for physical books in a physical space, especially if you have time to kill, and the ability to browse a bit, however, with the advent of the Internet, and the ever-increasing power of search tools like Google, it's getting easier and easier for consumers to find books that actually meet their specific needs, in no time at all. Classifying your book is an important part of the marketing and sales process. Consumers will not be able to find your book online in the sea of millions of available titles if their search results don't turn up a record of it. Most of this classification is done with your title, contributor, description, subject categories, and other fields, however, readers may…
