From the course: Learning Metadata for Book Publishing

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Managing metadata and creating ONIX files

Managing metadata and creating ONIX files

From the course: Learning Metadata for Book Publishing

Managing metadata and creating ONIX files


- [Teacher] Managing metadata is one of the most important tasks a publisher can do. Research as well as tons of anecdotal evidence have shown that metadata that is up to date and fully developed leads to better discoverability and increased sales. Publisher's tend to use one of three approaches when managing their metadata. The first is Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, Google docs and other simple tools. This approach usually leads to a variety of problems and inefficiencies and can even result in lost information, low quality data and lost sales. The second approach is homebrew databases made in Access or other database tools. These are often only developed and managed by one person. These are hard to update and can become obsolete or unable to keep up with the changing marketplace, especially if the person who originally created this system leaves the company. The third is professional metadata management applications. Metadata management applications allow a publisher to avoid…
