From the course: Learning Metadata for Book Publishing

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Overview of ONIX file structure

Overview of ONIX file structure


- [Man] ONIX is an XML format that is designed specifically for the transmission of book metadata so the tags you'll see in the ONIX file are geared toward that. This is an example of ONIX. That's pretty simple to understand, right? Note that ONIX has a feature that may be a bit confusing at times though. Most of the tags that you see written in English here have an equivalent number that can be written instead. These short tags are intended to make the file size of an ONIX file smaller, saving on transmission time and bandwidth. However, the savings in the file size are usually very small and an ONIX file with short tags is harder for humans to read when they're proofing or tweaking something. So it's best to stick with the normal reference text when you can. Let's take a look at the overall structure of an ONIX file. An ONIX file has two main parts. The Header Section, where some information about the source of the ONIX file is contained, and the Product Section, where the…
