From the course: Learning Metadata for Book Publishing

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XHTML for descriptive text

XHTML for descriptive text


- [Voiceover] In this chapter, we are going to talk about descriptive text that can be sent out in an ONIX feed. Unlike basic data, this descriptive text can be structured and styled with simple XHTML, allowing you to add formatting, like bold and italic. In case you have heard of HTML before, but are not familiar with XHTML, the two are actually very similar. The only major differences are that, in XHTML, the tags need to be lowercase, and they always need to have a closing tag. For example, in HTML, the paragraph tag can be uppercase, and does not need to be closed, but in XHTML, it needs to be lowercase, and it needs to have a closing P tag. While you can technically use a lot of XHTML tags in your ONIX feed, it's best to keep the formatting simple, by only using a small subset of the potential tags. These include paragraph, line break, citation, emphasis and italic, strong emphasis and bold, and lists. If your text has special characters, you should be able to use the actual…
