From the course: Learning MicroStation CONNECT Edition for General Users

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Print directly from a design model

Print directly from a design model


- [Instructor] Instead of printing a print composition in a sheet model, the preferred method, it is also possible to print directly from a design model. When you do a border must be manually placed in the DGN and you must define the print area with a fence. In this lesson you will learn how to set up and generate a scale print directly from within a design model. Open BSI 389-atrium.dgn from the \MSBasics\dgn\12 -printing and publishing dataset folder. Open a composite model. This is a 3D design model. In the view control bar, press the view rotation icon and in the menu select top view. Fit the view and zoom out a bit. This design models created at a full size of one to one as you would expect. To be able to print it on A1 paper sheet, we need to scale it down with a factor of one to 100. But first we need to attach a border. Because we intend on printing the design with a scale of one to 100. The border has to be…
