From the course: Learning nCloth

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Principles of dynamics

Principles of dynamics - nCloth Tutorial

From the course: Learning nCloth

Principles of dynamics


- Let's go back to school a little bit now. Everything we do in computer graphics, is at the start based on reality. The goal is just to match things happening in the computer in the same way they happen in the real world. So, by default, the problem is that 3D doesn't really understand physics or any reality. There's no contacts. Objects can go through each other. They float in the air. Well, computer graphics is really not realistic. So how can we really understand what makes computer graphics interesting? How computer graphics has been made? So let's go back to school. In this video we are just going to talk a little bit about the real dynamics basic science. We'll be just looking at stuff that you should have heard when you were in high school. And its really simple Newtonian physics so let's move on. Let's look at some basic dynamics. So in the real world, everything is made of atoms and has mass. Because atomic structures do have weight and mass. And gravity is a very strange…
