From the course: Learning Portrait Photography

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Camera setup

Camera setup


- When we talk about camera settings, we need to understand that our cameras really only do three things. The lens focuses on things, the camera records the brightness of the situation, and it also records the color coming into the lens. And so, I want to consider my creative intent when I'm setting my camera settings. So, I usually choose my aperture first, which allows me to set the depth of field, and then I choose the right shutter speed, and that shutter speed needs to be fast enough that I freeze the action, fast enough to freeze either my personal movement when I'm wiggling around in front of the camera, or if my subject is moving I need to have the right shutter speed to freeze those movements. Then in order to have the right brightness, I'll adjust the ISO. So, if I've got the right shutter speed but the picture is too dark, I'll turn up the ISO to make the whole picture brighter. When we talk about the colors the camera records, we're talking about white balance, and white…
