From the course: Learning Screenwriting

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Delivering the pitch

Delivering the pitch


- [Instructor] There really isn't any phase of the screenwriting process that doesn't involve some commercial ambition. You forever have to keep one eye on the audience, one eye on production, and one eye on your muse. Not easy to do unless you're from Mars. Nowhere is this more evident than in the pitch. The pitch can take many forms from an elaborate slide deck to a 30 second spiel you deliver in the famous pitch elevator. But they all have one thing in common. They're meant to sell your movie to someone with the money to pay you for your finished script, if you wrote it on spec, or to write it from scratch. It's best to start creating your pitch by writing a so-called Log Line. That's a sentence or two, three at most, that billboards your movie's concept in a grab them by the throat way. The Log Line answers the basic questions of your idea. Who's your protagonist? What do they want? What gets in the way? What…
