From the course: Learning Screenwriting

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Make your audience care

Make your audience care - Final Draft Tutorial

From the course: Learning Screenwriting

Make your audience care


- [Instructor] Someone was once asked if there was any way to sum up how to make a successful movie. Their answer was three words, make them care. I'm not eloquent enough to say it in three words, but I'll break it down into three rules. First, relatability, that means creating characters that your audience can believe are human. Relatability isn't the same as likability, it's great to like characters that people like to like if that's what you like, but wonderful, successful movies and TV shows are filled with characters that are dislikable, even mean spirited, cruel, and evil. As long as the viewer understands a little bit about why they are the way they are, and can see the character organize their thoughts and feelings the way human beings do, you have a chance of making that viewer care about what happens in your story. After all, we all like to think we're good all the way through, but we all know that that's not true.…
